
A Subject I enjoyed studying this semester.

Good morning people! This semester I  have enjoy studying the subject called Cellular Physiology.  The theoretical classes are of the expository type, they contemplate a beginning with the description of the objectives of the class, followed by the development of the same and the closing of the session with the conclusions, so I just listen to it carefully for all class. Besides, the course seminars that are held consist on solving problems, question and where I can apply the knowledge worked in the class sessions.  In this time, I've already seen all its subject which are 5 main contents. The first one is “Introduction to cellular physiology: Levels of organization” , the second unit is “Functional characteristics of the plasma membrane: Movement of solutes” , the third unit is “Cell excitability and membrane potential” , the fourth unit is “Biochemical base of cellular communication” and the last unit is “Cellular specialization” .  I like the subject, because I have always appr

An Expert in my Field.

Good morning! Today I’m going to talk to you about an interesting biochemist. In the first year of university, for a subject, with teammate we had to interview an academic from the university and it was then that I met in person an expert researcher in the field of biochemistry.  This person is called Mario Chiong Lay and he is an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He has a biochemist and doctor rank. When we did the interview, he told us a little about his life and well, he told us that in 1978 he won a Prize at the scientific exhibition at the regional level when he was in the school. Later 1981 between 1986 he studied biochemistry at the University of Chile, and also during this stage he taught at the pre-university in parallel to his career. When he finished university, in 1987 he was invited to be a professor at the same university where he was until 1990. Later, from 1991 to 1998 he worked in a private company and from 1999 to the present

A singer I like.

 Hi! I hope you all are okay. 😊 Today I will tell you about my favorite singer who is Redimi2. He is a Dominican rapper of Christian music named Willy, but his pseudonym is Redimi2, since as the word says, he was a person redeemed by Christ in his 20s, in which his life changed completely. Until before the age of 20, Willy was a drug addict and was close to dying for the same, however, God saved him, giving you another chance to transform and change it. Redimi2 sings Christian rap and I like it, because each letter of his songs impacts in a unique way and delivers a lot of wisdom. As he says, the lyrics of his songs don’t pollute, but each one delivers a different message, but all focused on the same purpose; God. My favorite song is “Ofensivo y Escandaloso”, because it shows how it feels to follow God, but still it doesn’t affect him and to express it he uses words of great impact, because he knows that he is doing good supported by Christ and with Him everything is possible. The wor

A photograph I like.

Hello again, today I spok you about a photograph that I like. I saw this photograph a while ago in a temple in my grandparents’ field and since then I always watch it, I even took a photo with my cell phone to have it in my files. Unfortunately, I have got no idea who took it or when it was taken, but what I do know, is that it has been in the temple for a long time. This photograph represents what it says in the Bible in Matthew 7:13-14     13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.     14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”  

My best friend.

Well, this topic is very important for me, because my best friend takes up a very special place in my heart. So, Maricel is a great girl, an intelligent woman and, thanks God, my best friend. She and I met at school, exactly when we were in first grade. I remember that at that time, I had a great group of friends, among them was Maricel, and I had another best friend, but when I changed school in another district, my friend Maricel was always in contact with me, so she is a true friend. My best friend and I have been friends for short fifteen years, in fact I heard that if a friendship lasts for more than seven years, that friendship is forever, so friendship with Maricel is forever. I consider her my best friend, because she listens to me like nobody, besides we can also talk about many different topics or she talks to me about other interesting and wise things; she is a very learned girl, I love that. My best memory I have with her is when we go have a coffee and talk, specifically i

My favourite piece of technology.

My favourite piece of technology can be my cell phone. I have had it for 3 years.  I use my cell phone to laugh on Instagram, watch YouTube videos about study or fun, I write down things that I don't want to forget or ideas that come to my mind, among many other things.  I use it very often, in fact release which says people take their cell phone at least 2500 times a day, I hope not.  I like my cell phone, because it is easy to use and carry, although I would rather have a tablet, because I think it is more comfortable for study purposes.  Life without the cell phone would be strange, because it gives you many tools and comfort, however it is not essential, sooned or later I would get used to it.

My career.

When I was child I played with my sister to be an office worker, we organized papers and answered the phone. Once I grew up, when I was doing vocational test, I got as a result that I liked to work in office. However, I never considered it as an option. And other job that I wanted to practice someday in my life is being a dentist, but when I went to a university fair I realized that I am very scrupulous.  I was very insecure since I was young, so that at the moment of applying to university I chose as first option the career of Geology, but unfortunately, I wasn’t doing well in Math, nor in Physics, so I changed to my second option that is the career of Biochemistry. It was among my first options always, but I hadn’t decided on this, because in Chile the career isn’t practiced as such. Eventually I realized that I should keep fighting for what I like the spite of circumstances. My experience at university has been very hard for me, because I don’t understand the subjects and I find it