A Subject I enjoyed studying this semester.

Good morning people! This semester I  have enjoy studying the subject called Cellular Physiology. 
The theoretical classes are of the expository type, they contemplate a beginning with the description of the objectives of the class, followed by the development of the same and the closing of the session with the conclusions, so I just listen to it carefully for all class. Besides, the course seminars that are held consist on solving problems, question and where I can apply the knowledge worked in the class sessions. 
In this time, I've already seen all its subject which are 5 main contents. The first one is “Introduction to cellular physiology: Levels of organization”, the second unit is “Functional characteristics of the plasma membrane: Movement of solutes”, the third unit is “Cell excitability and membrane potential”, the fourth unit is “Biochemical base of cellular communication” and the last unit is “Cellular specialization”
I like the subject, because I have always appreciated acquiring knowledge and for this I can start from the base of life. Besides, it seems very interesting and magnificent how the cell works, which being so small fulfills such an important and essential role.


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